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i just wanna lead a simple life.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
5:06 AM

Halloween wasnt a huge success but still, its only our 1st halloween!
Practically got excited for only 10 to 15 mins with the usual get-high "we are golden" song.
strolling down the wet street with our halloween props on..trying to act like no one's looking at us. Without realising, it has already been transformed into one of our usual movie sessions.
The only memories left were kind of retarded.
We decided to leave it as it is: memories- just for our own viewing.
Even though its not exactly like all the pics cant be seen and those are...the Toilet PICS!!
It always the best!

Attended pretty's 21st party.
Not many 21st to attend in future anymore.
Next week's gonna be busy!!
its dad, my Saggie and my Char's birthday!! "the Saggiesss"

Anyway, never under estimate how hurtful words can be!
mean it or not, once u said it there's like no turning back.
i dislike myself for not being smart enuff to tell the right things to the right person
even though i understand very well the theory of "being on one's guard".

Manda and i were shopping like our usual self at compass point on sunday..
the t-shirt, shorts & slippers us..and we realised its been long!!
Today was a pretty tight day.. didnt have time to login to FB..
when i came home, i saw saggie tagged this on my wall:

omg, suddenly i feel so appreciated and feel damn sad ..
i so misss the old days..
i so misss saggiiiiiiiiiiiieee!
i so missss emailing the girls!!!

simplicity is bliss....